Saturday, January 21, 2017

Let the Carnage Begin?

As far as I can tell, before yesterday, the amount of carnage in the United States was definitely on the light side.  Deaths for highway fatalities exceeded deaths from terrorist attacks by several orders of magnitude ('though nobody was calling for auto executives to be put on the no-fly list).  Black Lives matter, of course, but most blacks were living lives of more-or-less (to their personal taste) orderly tranquility.  I remember years ago a black kid was wounded in a drive by shooting in a Houston high school.  He was literally sitting in class when it happened.  Not to trivialize drive by violence, but the class he was sitting in was a math class.  And it wasn't remedial.  It was a prep class for AP Calculus.  Somehow that got lost in the media takeaway.  And we got Trump.

So, yesterday our new president said the carnage will stop.  I'm still trying to figure the guy out.  Haven't come to any conclusions.  But one pattern I've noticed in a tendency towards projection, and to say exactly the opposite of what he means.  If he said red, he meant green, if he said blue, he meant orange.  If he claims she's in lousy health, he's the one in lousy health.  If he attacks he for her husband's philandering, he's the real philanderer.  Etc.  Etc. Etc.

So, maybe our President is trying to tell us that the carnage is about the begin?

Well, the revolution is gonna need martyrs.  Any volunteers?

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